Maine Wants Nebraska to Back Off Winner Take All Switch

A majority of Mainers oppose a right-wing gambit to change the way Nebraska awards its electoral college votes, according to a new Global Strategy Group poll.

In recent months, the Trump campaign and conservative activists like Charlie Kirk have pressured Nebraska lawmakers to change to a “winner take all” system months before the presidential contest to aid Trump in his reelection bid.

Maine and Nebraska are the only two states to allocate electoral votes based on congressional district. A switch in Nebraska is widely seen to benefit Trump, who won four of the state’s five electoral votes in 2020, with President Joe Biden picking up a single vote from Nebraska’s second congressional district.

According to the new poll, 57% of likely Maine voters oppose Nebraska making the proposed switch to benefit Trump, with 38% strongly opposed. 

A majority of Maine voters also support changing to a winner take all system themselves, with 52% in favor. Almost a third strongly support the change. House Majority Leader Maureen Terry said earlier this year that Maine would be “compelled to act” if Nebraska made a switch so late in the election cycle.